to Bishop Manogue Assembly (50)
of the Patriotic Degree of the
Knights of Columbus

Photos from our
events in the past several months
Chalice Ceremony
honoring Sir Knight Rick Di Regolo
August 13th 2022
at St John the Evangelist Church

Congratulations to our 4 new Sir Knights
who joined us at the
Exemplification of the Patriotic (4th)
April 23rd, 2022

Left to right:
Sir Knight Frank Consulo, Council 4970
Sir Knight Jon Dunn, Council 5322
Sir Knight Daniel Almond, Council 5322
Sir Knight Carlos Vasconcelos, Council 5322
pictures from the funerals of SK Eugene Kunz and Lady Anita Fong
thanks to Sir Knight Marco Ferrero, Grand Knight of Sacramento
Council 953.
From SK Marco: We bid farewell to our
Fellow 953 Brother SK Eugene Kunz (at Nicoletti’s Funeral Home) who served as a Knight of Columbus for
over 70 years.
Please keep in your prayers the repose of
their souls and prayers for their families who are dealing with
the losses.

Below is from the Funeral at St
Paul Catholic Church for Lady
Anita Fong, wife of Sir Knight Jerry Fong, PFN.

The attendance of The Knights of Columbus
means so much to the families that you can feel the gratitude
and heartfelt happiness to know their loved ones are remembered
but also recognized during their passings. The utmost
respect to Assembly 50 who has carried the cross of
representation and ceremony at a time when we are low in
physical numbers to continue the works especially since our
Council 953 was founded in 1905. It is with each Brother’s
efforts to continue keeping our Councils and Assemblies going as
we slowly return back to an active level as we continue to
evolve into these new times. Brothers unable to currently
physically participate, we keep you in prayers and appreciate
your prayers of support back.
Sir Knight Marco Ferrero, GK,
Council 953
For Your Information
The exemplification and
charter of Bishop Manogue Assembly (later given the
number 50) of
Sacramento was approved by the Supreme
Board of Directors on October 4, 1915.
Our name honors the First Bishop
of the Sacramento Diocese, Most Reverend Patrick
We meet at Sacramento Council (00953) Hall,
5961 Newman Court, Sacramento, California 95819
(Click on map below for directions) on the
4th Monday of each month (Except May, July and December)
Membership in Fourth Degree is open to all
active Knights who have made their Knighthood (3rd) Degree.
gold miner, seminarian, and priest of the
Manogue built the
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament when he became
the first and founding Bishop of a new Diocese
created on May 28, 1886, by Pope Leo XIII.
The new
Diocese of Sacramento was
created out of the old Grass Valley Diocese.
Bishop Patrick Manogue died on
February 27, 1895 in the Cathedral rectory.
WE Meet!
We Meet at 953 Hall on the 4th Monday
Monthly Except December and July
5961 Newman Court, Sacramento, California
