
Since the
establishment of the Patriotic Degree in
1900, the Color Corps have provided honor
guards for religious and civic functions,
an activity that has brought worldwide
recognition to the Knights of Columbus.
They are distinguishable by their
official regalia of tuxedos, capes,
chapeaux, and swords. To the left is
pictured the Fourth Degree Emblem.
Bearers of this emblem are committed to
conduct themselves honorably as Christian
gentlemen in their private and public
lives, as well as acting patriotically
for the good of their nations. Likewise,
the Fourth Degree sword represents the
bearer's reverence for the Eucharist and
the Pope, bishops and hierarchy of the
Church, and displays publicly his
willingness to protect his Church and
under a religious aspect, we have the
honor and privilege of wearing on our
swords and our lapels the sacred symbol
of the Most Blessed Trinity. This should
always remind us to live a good Christian
life, and that we should never bring
dishonor on the emblem we have been
privileged to wear. By this, others may
see our good works, through which we will
glorify our Holy Religion, our Honored
Order and our Beloved Country.
Color Corps information is at:
Color Corps Manual is at: http://www.kofc.org/un/en/resources/membership/dm-full.pdf
With the implementation of the new uniform, there were some
changes that took place affecting how Honor Guard callouts are
conducted. Before, only Sir Knights who wore the official
regalia of the Knights of Columbus were allowed to participate
in a Color Corps callout with the service baldric and sword.
Under the new rules, your Honor Guard consists of any of the
Any Sir Knight who has the new uniform, service baldric,
sword, and white gloves (Color Corps uniform)
Any Sir Knight who has the new uniform and white gloves, but
hasn’t procured a service baldric or sword.
Any Sir Knight who has the old tuxedo, which is now just
another suit, a social baldric, and white gloves, no beret,
no service baldric, no sword.
Any Sir Knight who has a dark business suit with social
baldric and white gloves, no beret, no service baldric, no
Pretty much, there is NO ONE in our Assembly who can be
excluded from being a member of an Honor Guard.

 © Copyright by Knights of Columbus. All Rights Reserved.
For questions
about the Fourth Degree, please contact the
Patrick Manogue Assembly.
5961 Newman
Court Sacramento, CA 95819-2609
For web page
comments, questions, or updates, please contact
the web page editor,
SK Frank